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Ladies and gents listen up, have you been looking for something you can use at home and easily fit into your day-to-day routine to rebuild collagen and reduce and firm the skin? Look no further then, I have recently been trialling one and am obsessed. NEWA is a brand new beauty tool to the UK market, and is the only FDA cleared home-use radio frequency device, I personally love it, so had to share my thoughts with you all. I’ve been using it for 3.5 weeks now and love the results. It’s a handheld device, which is also nice and compact so can easily be packed in your bag if you are away with work or on hols to keep your skin looking fresh and fab.


So its small enough to fit in your handbag, retails for £350 and should be part of your daily skincare regime. It takes 24 minutes a day if you want to work on your face and neck or just 16 minutes if you are only concerned with your face. You can use it morning or night and as you only need one hand to use it, you can be on your computer, watching TV or on your phone at the same time. If you love fillers, botox or regular facials do not despair NEWA does not affect any other treatments you like to have, actually it can work perfectly alongside them. It’s the most advanced home-use skin-tightening tool available - you won’t get a more effective treatment outside of a skin clinic.


NEWA is definitely the ultimate beauty tool for a younger looking skin. Whether you want to hold wrinkles at bay or reduce the signs of ageing that have already appeared. Supported by unrivalled science and research, this hand-held device is a beauty tool I genuinely love, and it’s helping me turn back the clock. It is clinically proven to stimulate your skins’ biological processes for natural rejuvenation – so you still look like you, just younger, with fewer lines and wrinkles, firmer, tighter skin and a more radiant complexion and the longer you use it the better the results get.


I have become so used to using it daily that its just part of my routine like having my morning coffee and showering. To be honest when I’m using the machine I find it kind of relaxing with the warm heat on my face a bit like a warm facial, so it’s ideal in the evenings when you need a bit of ‘me time’! NEWA’s unique, patented 3DEEP technology delivers controlled energy 3 layers deep into your skin, without any pain or risk, reactivating your natural collagen production and restoring the skin’s natural support. This results in a clinically proven increase in skin collagen content and proven wrinkle reduction, skin tightening and lifting.


3DEEP is an energy-based skin treatment that uses radio frequency (RF) to tighten skin, causing mild and safe tissue heating, which results in collagen renewal. RF energy for skin tightening has been safely and widely used in medical aesthetic treatments for many decades now. 3DEEP represents the world’s most advanced RF skin treatment.

It’s super easy to use, you just plug the device into the socket (it has a handy extra long cable), switch it from 0-2 and click on the blue led switch, which will flicker. Add the activator gel onto the head of the device and then start working the 1 of 6 areas in a circular motion for 4 minutes. The six areas are split into: 2 x cheek areas, 2 x jowl areas, 2 x neck areas. Once the 4 minutes is up the device vibrates so you don’t need to time it. They recommend you use NEWA five times per week for the first four weeks, and twice a week thereafter.


If you want to find out more here’s the links to the product and their social media.

Facebook: /newabeautyuk

Twitter: @newabeautyuk

Instagram: newabeautyuk


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